The Great Explorer Challenge.
Welcome back! We skipped over a few challenges due to computer issues. I am hoping to find some pre-made worlds for The Colonies challenge . I will revisit that one in the future. I also skipped over the Questionable Values and Party Like a Rock Star challenges. They were both on my other computer so I will also swing back around to those. (It can be boring playing the same challenge twice in a row so I will give it a little time). Onto the current challenge! The Great Explorer Challenge ! The Gist of it: Your father somehow managed to have a house worth §500,000. He never traveled or left the house at all, was extremely paranoid so had no electrical devices (the man can be listening!), and his wife (your mother) mysteriously died a long time ago leaving you to fend for yourself in a big house that was completely cluttered in junk. Upon your father's death you inherit the house. However, because you received no formal education (that's brainwashing from the ...