Let's get started

Welcome to the Every Sims(3) Challenge! I know there are a million different blogs with a million different ways to play the challenges. Most of them tell cute, funny, or dramatic stories. Some are very well done with huge followings. Others are just put together by the gamer for a fun way to express themselves.

I have been playing Sims since the first incarnation (whoop for SimCity day during school!). My family and I have followed the game religiously. Over the years, like many other simmers, I have tried to find ways to spice up the game. We all know what that means: challenges!

This blog is more about reviewing the challenges rather than straight game play. Just like the blogs, not all challenges are created equal. My favorite site to get challenges is Mod the Sims. I will be using the challenges from the Sims 3 Challenge Forum. Here is how the process will work:
  • Start from the very first post and work my way through
  • Follow the rules as closely as possible
  • Due to not having all the expansions some modifications may need to be made (some skipped entirely until the expansion is acquired)
  • If a challenge is too similar to a previous challenge I may choose to skip it 
  • Games will be rated based off of
    • Fun- Is it entertaining as well as challenging or just a plain chore?
    • Difficulty - Is this a good challenge for beginners?
    • Time frame - great for an afternoon of play or clear your calendar for a month?
    • Playability - How easy was it to navigate the rules, reach the end goal?
 Happy Simming!


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